April 25, 2023

What Really Is Active Listening, and Are You Doing It?

Cultural, religious, generational, and regional differences in how we ask questions and communicate, Active listeners and question askers. Buyers want active listeners! Sam talks about how you can practice this and the huge ...

Cultural, religious, generational, and

regional differences in how we ask questions and communicate, Active listeners  and question askers. Buyers want active

listeners! Sam talks about how you can practice this and the huge effect it can

have on the relationships with your clients. Amy discusses the importance of

practice using certain question types that will draw out information while

building trust and connection. Sam also gives some incredible tips on replying

to a prospect that has declined your offer. *Spoiler alert – the first thing is

to actually respond! This episode is so overflowing with valuable advice that you may

need to listen a few times to catch it all!